5e Standard Array: A Guide to Character Creation in Dungeons & Dragons

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5e Standard Array: A Guide to Character Creation in Dungeons & Dragons

Key Takeaways:

  • The 5e Standard Array is a method used to assign ability scores during character creation in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5e).
  • It consists of six predetermined numbers: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8.
  • This method provides a balanced way to build a character while avoiding extreme scores and ensuring fairness.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is the 5e Standard Array?
  2. How to Use the 5e Standard Array for Character Creation
  3. Advantages of Using the Standard Array
  4. Comparison with Other Ability Score Methods
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the 5e Standard Array?

In Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5e), the Standard Array is one of the methods used to determine a character’s ability scores. Ability scores represent a character’s fundamental strengths and weaknesses and include Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. These scores help define your character's skills and effectiveness in the game.

The 5e Standard Array provides players with the following six numbers: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. These numbers are then assigned to each of the six abilities based on the player's choice.

For example, if you're creating a strong and resilient fighter, you might assign the highest number, 15, to Strength, and a lower number, like 8, to Intelligence, since the character may not rely on intellectual skills.

2. How to Use the 5e Standard Array for Character Creation

To use the 5e Standard Array, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Review Your Character Class
Each class in D&D 5e (such as Fighter, Wizard, or Rogue) has primary ability scores that are essential for maximizing their abilities. Before assigning numbers, understand what abilities are most important for your character class.

Step 2: Assign Ability Scores
Using the six numbers from the Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8), assign each one to an ability score. Your choices should reflect your character's strengths and weaknesses based on their class, race, and background.

Example for a Fighter:

  • Strength: 15
  • Constitution: 14
  • Dexterity: 13
  • Wisdom: 12
  • Charisma: 10
  • Intelligence: 8

Step 3: Apply Racial Bonuses
Many races in D&D 5e offer bonuses to specific ability scores. For example, a Half-Orc may gain a +2 to Strength and a +1 to Constitution. After assigning your numbers, apply your racial bonuses to finalize your character’s ability scores.

Step 4: Start Playing
Once you’ve assigned your ability scores, you’re ready to finish building your character by selecting skills, equipment, and spells, and dive into the world of Dungeons & Dragons.

3. Advantages of Using the Standard Array

Using the 5e Standard Array provides several benefits, particularly for new players or groups looking for balanced gameplay:

  • Fairness Across Players: Since everyone uses the same set of numbers, the Standard Array ensures a level playing field. No one ends up with significantly higher or lower scores due to lucky (or unlucky) dice rolls.
  • Balanced Characters: The array offers a good mix of strengths and weaknesses, avoiding extremes that can sometimes occur when rolling ability scores. This leads to well-rounded characters.
  • Ease of Use: For players unfamiliar with rolling for stats or unsure of how to balance their character, the Standard Array is a simple and straightforward method.

4. Comparison with Other Ability Score Methods

In D&D 5e, the Standard Array isn’t the only method for determining ability scores. Here’s how it compares to other common methods:

  • Rolling for Stats: Players roll 4d6 (four six-sided dice) and discard the lowest die for each ability score, then assign the totals. This method can lead to highly variable scores, resulting in both very powerful and very weak characters, depending on the rolls.
  • Point Buy: In the point buy system, players are given a pool of points (usually 27) and can “purchase” ability scores. Each score has a different cost, allowing for a more customized build. This method allows for greater flexibility but requires more planning.
  • Standard Array: The Standard Array is predictable and offers balanced results for all players. While it may lack the customization of point buy or the excitement of rolling, it ensures fairness and ease of use.

5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I customize the numbers in the Standard Array?
A: The Standard Array is fixed at 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. However, if your group prefers customization, you can choose to use the point buy system for more flexibility.

Q2: Why should I use the Standard Array instead of rolling for stats?
A: The Standard Array provides balanced and consistent ability scores, eliminating the risk of rolling extremely high or low stats. This ensures fairness, especially for groups with mixed experience levels.

Q3: Can I use racial bonuses with the Standard Array?
A: Yes! After assigning your Standard Array numbers to the ability scores, apply your racial bonuses as usual to enhance specific abilities.

Q4: Does using the Standard Array limit my character’s power?
A: Not necessarily. While the Standard Array prevents characters from starting with extremely high ability scores, it also ensures that no character is at a severe disadvantage. Over time, you can increase your scores through leveling up and magical items.

Q5: Is the Standard Array used in official D&D campaigns?
A: Yes, the Standard Array is often used in official D&D campaigns and Adventurers League play, as it provides a balanced and fair starting point for all characters.


The 5e Standard Array is a practical and balanced method for assigning ability scores in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Whether you’re a new player or a veteran, this method offers simplicity and fairness, allowing you to focus on the fun of character creation and gameplay. By using the Standard Array, you can create a well-rounded character that’s ready for adventure in the world of D&D.

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