
A common misconception among those seeking a divorce is that their divorce solicitor would be the one to end their marriage. Indeed, you should be in charge of managing your divorce while your solicitor serves as an important part of your support group. It is crucial that you choose and oversee your legal counsel using careful research and a healthy dose of common sense. Here are some essential ideas to bear in mind during the procedure.

What Do Divorce Lawyers Do?

In addition to addressing the connected custody and financial elements of the divorce, a divorce lawyer also defends the client’s rights. Another crucial service provided by a divorce solicitor is legal advice on your alternatives and an explanation of the legislation. Your circumstances and the relevant papers should be reviewed by the lawyer. Documents like tax returns, pay stubs, and data on property values might be among them. Also, they must pay attention while the customer describes their circumstances and their goals so that they may provide advice based on their unique requirements.

Although only a small percentage of divorce cases get to trial (90% to 98% of them are resolved without going to court), in those that do, the lawyers for each spouse spend a lot of time preparing to present the facts before the judge, summon experts to bolster their case, and make opening and closing arguments. A marriage consent decree, which is a legally binding document that specifies the conditions of custody of children, alimony, and the distribution of assets, among other things, is created by divorce attorneys.

Trials may be avoided by using divorce mediation. The procedure comprises an impartial mediator who attempts to assist the parties in reaching a settlement while facilitating the divorce talks. Compared to going to court, it is often more affordable and faster. Nevertheless, unless the divorce is relatively straightforward—for instance, the marriage was brief, there are no children, and there is little property to divide—it may not be advisable for couples to proceed without counsel when mediating their disputes. Another method other than going to court to settle disagreements in divorce discussions is divorce arbitration, which may also be quicker. It varies from mediation in that both parties argue their cases in front of an arbitrator of their choosing, who then decides how to handle the matter. Lawyers or former judges are often used as arbitrators. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that the arbitrator’s judgement is often final and cannot be challenged.

  • Understand the need for legal representation.

While your friends and relatives may advise you to file for divorce immediately, it’s not always necessary to appear in court. There are occasions when divorce is simpler and less costly to achieve via mediation or arbitration. If you and your spouse agree on matters like child custody and property distribution, there are additional undertaking divorce kits and internet tools that may be alternatives to no-fault divorce laws. It remains crucial that you at least speak with an attorney—one who is not connected to your partner—to go through your preferred manner of divorce and the conditions that you and your husband have agreed upon—even if you and your spouse opt to resolve your divorce from the outside court. People think all too often that they are acting in their best interests and that they are doing the “right thing,” only to learn otherwise. Making sure that you are terminating your marriage wisely may be achieved by investing a small amount of time and money in legal advice.

  1. Before looking, be aware of what you need.

When selecting a divorce solicitor to represent you, you need to take into account a variety of considerations. Do you only need assistance throughout mediation or uncontested divorce so that you may be guided through the procedure and supported? Do you need assistance with challenging financial issues pertaining to the partition of assets? Is custody the main concern? In the areas that matter to you the most, you want to choose a solicitor with experience. Once you know how they will be assisting you, it will be simpler to choose the ideal solicitor for your case. To learn more about the divorce procedure in your state and any potential requirements you may have, consult books or internet resources.

  1. Ask the appropriate questions.

Before you begin interviewing attorneys, you must be well-prepared. Your demands and the specifics of your circumstance should be able to be stated precisely and concisely. Many lawyers provide a free first consultation, but it’s important to be clear about this upfront since some lawyers do charge for this first appointment. You should enquire about the following issues with prospective attorneys:

  • Inquire about their background, how long they have been in practice, and if they have expertise with divorce specifically.
  • Find out who will be doing the majority of the labour. Will it be assigned to a particular lawyer or to a team or group of lawyers?
  • Ask your lawyer for his or her first response after explaining your position to determine how they would advise moving forward, such as via settlement negotiations, mediation, a trial, etc.
  • It Is important to find out how much real trial experience the solicitor has if you anticipate that your divorce may take place in a courtroom.
  • A retainer and payment schedule should be discussed. If required, enquire about suitable payment arrangements.
  • If you’re meeting in person, pay attention to their verbal and nonverbal cues. The degree to which the solicitor is vested in your best interests may be inferred from these indications. Take advantage of this first consultation to have any concerns concerning the divorce procedure or your specific circumstance answered. You must comprehend everything that occurs at every stage of your divorce if you want to handle it effectively.
  1. Make a decision based on qualifications.

Keep in mind that you should choose a lawyer who is competent, will give you the attention you need, fits within your financial range, and with whom you have a high level of understanding and confidence.

Remember that your lawyer is a part of your support team even after you have chosen him and that you have the right to control him by setting expectations for him to meet deadlines, provide updates, and consider your comments when making choices. If you believe that your representation is not upholding his end of the bargain, take quick action. Never make the assumption that everything will turn out well in the end.


If we can agree on everything, do I still need a divorce solicitor? In such a situation, a family court will assist you in obtaining your divorce by mutual agreement, and you may not require legal representation. Nonetheless, it is a good idea to go via a competent divorce solicitor first since they will resolve any immediate legal issues, saving you from having to deal with them later.

For the couples, a competent divorce solicitor sets out a smooth divorce process. Yet, the choice of the finest solicitor is entirely your own. For a successful divorce process, you should ideally follow your gut and the above measures.