Let’s discuss a little about myopia and lasik surgery.


Myopia is a common vision condition where objects at a distance appear blurry while objects Of close are seen clearly. This is caused because of the curved cornea. Changing the cornea’s shape during the process will fix the focusing error and improve the eye’s ability to see distant objects clearly. It is also known as nearsightedness.

Diagnosis: It is usually diagnosed in childhood or early adolescence, and it usually becomes worse over time.

Cause: It can be produced genetically, or it can be developed by environmental factors. Environmental factors include reading, working with computers, mobiles, etc. These are also responsible for contribution to myopia.

Corrected by: Myopia can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgical procedures such as LASIK. In today’s world, the surgical procedure is taken as the better procedure for myopia. 


  The Full form of LASIK is (Lasik or Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis). It is a type of refractive surgery used to correct diseases like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The main motive of the surgical procedure is to reshape the cornea, which is present in the front part of the eye, so that light entering the eye is correctly focused on the retina, resulting in clearer vision for your lifetime.

Nearsightedness: It is also known as myopia, a common eye condition in which distant objects look blurry while close objects are seen clearly.

Farsightedness: It is also known as hyperopia, a common eye condition in which close-up objects appear blurry while distant objects are seen clearly. 

Astigmatism:  A common eye condition that affects the cornea’s curvature and causes blurred vision.

Procedure: The whole procedure takes less than 30 minutes to complete.

How painful is the procedure?: It is a quick and painless procedure, with most patients able to return to their daily activities within a day or two days after the surgery.

Success Rate: The success rate is between ninety-eight percent and ninety-nine percent.

 It is a better option for those people who are looking to improve their vision and reduce their dependence on glasses or contact lenses.


Procedure Of Lasik for Myopia:

  • Lasik eye surgery is performed at a laser center like http://visualaidscentre.com/lasik-eye-surgery-in-delhi/. You need not go to the Hospital for this procedure.
  • First, ophthalmologists undergo an overall eye checkup.
  • In the second step, they undergo the measurements of the pupil and cornea.
  • Eye doctors should measure your refractive error.

Surgery is conducted at a laser center. For the verification before the procedure, they cross-check you as a suitable candidate; they will measure the size of your cornea and pupil. Then they measure the refractive error percentage in your eye to clarify that your eyes are perfectly healthy. There are two types of surgery in Lasik, i.e., mechanical surgery and laser surgery. But laser surgery has better success results than mechanical. So laser surgeries are more preferable in Lasik. 

Then they proceed with their equipment. First, they give you sedative drugs(medicines) to start their procedure. While entering the room, You will see a Lasik machine connected to a microscope and computers present inside the room.

Steps to follow: 

Once you enter the room and sit, the eye surgeon will put a few drops of eyedrops in your eyes. Then they place an eyelid holder in your eyes, which prevents your eyes from blinking. Then surgeons will make a very thin flap on your cornea. Then after a gap of a few minutes, the actual procedure begins. They will tell you to stare at a particular light in that room (instructed by the surgeon). They will then reshape your cornea as the next step. The light will then refract correctly on your cornea. Inside the room, some irritating ticking sounds are produced by the laser machine. In the last step, the flap is removed by them. In this way, the surgery procedure is successfully completed.

It is important to remember that only some are suitable candidates for Lasik surgery. A person with severe myopia or an extensive history of eye diseases may not be eligible for the procedure. So it would help if you took the doctor’s advice before undergoing surgery.


There are several factors we need to look at: is it budget-friendly? Or is it safe for your life? The answer is completely “YES” for LASIK.  

Is it budget-friendly? : Lasik is considered a budget-friendly operation for myopia. But the cost of the surgical operation depends upon the condition of the patient, i.e., it is critical or standard, or intermediate. The cost of LASIK is an investment in your vision and long-term eye. 

   Many lasik centers provide financial options to needy people. The options are discounts, promotions or interest-free financing, etc., to lower the cost of the procedure. However, the range of the operation is between 80,000 to 2,50,000 depending upon the patient’s condition. In conclusion, LASIK is considered to be a budget-friendly option for correcting myopia.


It is a cost-effective procedure. The procedure helps eliminate the use of long-term glasses and expensive contact lenses. Millions of people worldwide have successfully undergone the procedure with better results.LASIK has been approved by various health regulatory bodies, including the FDA( Food and drug administration ), and has been declared safe for most people. Lasik is 99 percent safe and the complication rate of the surgery is less than 1 percent. Each year 6,00,000 to 7,00,000 people undergo lasik operation. The major complications of this procedure are dry eyes or maybe infection. But the risk of infections is very low.

Conclusion: Yes, LASIK is definitely a better option for myopia. The main reason is that laser surgeons use ablative technology, which can safely remove the layers of the cornea. It is a fast, effective, and safer method of vision correction. By carefully considering all the available information gathered here and taking the necessary precautions, you can decide whether Lasik is the right choice for you.